A good time to buy hard

Kick Ecosystem OFFICIAL
6 min readOct 15, 2017

We have spoken so much about our token and platform we start to feel we have forgotten about an essential, life-changing point: what shall you do with it now? Here is some great news for everyone, we have been holding it for this very special day when KickCoin is open for trade on EXMO Exchange. The special part here is that all of you, who couldn’t have bought enough KICK during our ICO campaign or who couldn’t have joined us back then due to legal issues in their states, now have an opportunity to join us through the open market. It is now a good time to make a smart investment, and now it is open for everyone since there are no restrictions on joining an open market exchange.

Over the last couple of days we have seen and heard a whirl of concern hovering in the air of the KICK community. We hear a lot of people speculating whether the token price is going to go up or down, some people are thinking about accumulating more KickCoins before the price goes up high. Some, on the contrary, are actually planning on dumping their tokens precisely for the purpose of making a profit, which works for those who got bonuses and discounts during preICO and ICO campaigns.

The ground rule here is that a profit is made when one buys low and sells high, and now it is about to happen to all of us: in the first quarter-mile of our race we are being sold rather low, where one can go in basically at the ICO price or close to that. This fits the first part of your success formula, which is when to “buy low”.

Getting to the “selling high” part we feel it is necessary to elaborate on a whole bunch of details to make it all clear. There has already been a big deal of conversation on whose holding strategy is better and whose prospects for big profits are higher, but the main question has only been stated and answered rather vaguely. Namely, why one shall expect our coin to grow, and why do we expect the growth to be constant and steady?

Let’s take a look at what we call KICKONOMY, a market framework we have established that is being incorporated to the platform. We have carried out a fool proof balanced system to allow all of us benefit in the long run, so we do not feel like bothering about some minor exchange rate drop downs that might occur every now and then, and there are several reasons for it.

The first thing to keep in mind is that the basis of any token growth is demand. This is very essential: to let the price get higher there has to be a constantly growing interest for the token, thus the more people are willing to hold it, the higher price is paid. There are now some various schemes of keeping some artificial token price growth in many cases, and we strongly believe those are signals of poorly developed economy systems. What we are offering is different — it is real. The basis of KICK growth is its utility and liquidity.

So far, we are not currently replacing ETH with KICK, but we will offer a better deal. Our market is a market of new projects, fresh entrepreneurs following their dreams and big businesses developing new lines of activities. For each and every of those, KICK will be a functional asset: it will be required to pay for multiple services that will be provided by the platform and the third-party service marketplace. Anyone who wishes to start his project, get it moderated and assessed will buy KICK first. Anyone, who will hire a third party or individual from the platform will pay KICK to advisors, designers, translators and other professionals from the community. Thus, anyone willing to operate with the platform, will first need to acquire some KICK, and the more people need it, the more significant the growth, especially considering that all the KICK commissions charged by the platform will be burnt.

At the same time, those are not only creators who will benefit from using KICK, but on the other hand backers of course. We will offer a 5% discount on a contribution if a project is funded in KICK, so using KICK you will have the magic of spending less and earning more at your hand. Any project you would like to support and invest in will become 5 per cent prettier with KICK, and this is another reason not only to acquire KICK the minute before going in but a good deal for those who are holding the token for the long run: keep it up and enjoy the price growing along with the span of the platform and our community.

Nevertheless, we of course realize anything could happen and nothing remains intact forever. There are always accidents, big and small, that might drive any good business down. There are always short-term profit chasers dumping the coin making small immediate profits who upset the growth, there are always market recessions affecting us all big and many other reasons to make one worry about the prospects of steady growth. This is why we are introducing KICK Reserve Fund to secure the growth of our KICKONOMY. The fund will accumulate tokens emitted by projects initialized on our platform, so that every project developing will contribute a slice of their growth pie to the system and community. As we have already announced, by 2019 we expect to see around 2000 different project tokens in the Fund Portfolio, and what matters is this will be YOUR portfolio. The KICK Community will have means to control it for the better economy of tomorrow: elected Delegates will quarterly re-assess the accumulated portfolio, make decisions on re-balancing the stake and sell off a portion of lowest rank or lowest growth curve tokens to the market. The revenue gained will be used to buy out KICK from the open market, and these volumes of KICK will be further burnt to decrease the existing supply of KICK.

The Big Goals of the Fund Management tools described above, besides making the Portfolio quantity and quality balanced, therefore increasing the Fund’s value and cap, will be to decrease the amount of KICK floating in the open market to provide higher Demand-to-Supply ratio, and thus boost the price of KICK; buying KICK from the market exchanges also stimulates the price. The logic is dead simple: with the span of our ecosystem, there will be more and more people and projects involved using KICK as a payment and investment tool, but there will also be an ongoing demission of KICK circulating, together making KICK more desirable and less affordable, which is an self-explanatory cause for the price to grow.

In the end, we would like to encourage each of you to see the overall economic picture: we do realize there will and there have to be accidental drops, there might be short-term holders dumping KICK, there might be all sorts of stuff, but we provide you with prospects to see the forest for the trees. We are not giving promises, we are building a new good faith economy, that will raise your funds in return.

P.S. Altogether, this very moment is probably the best time to board the “buy low, sell high” train, right before its departure.

For further details, please stay tuned for our next update in Whitepaper, coming soon on www.KICKICO.com

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Kick Ecosystem OFFICIAL

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